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This shows all of River's End & connected series family trees & timelines!

River's End Romance spans several interconnected families and crosses over decades.  The family tree will help to clarify the overlapping interconnections.

The first timeline will make you turn your device....!!! No other way to fit this. This family tree shows the original four brothers of Jack, Ian, Shane & Joey and their direct descendants.


The next family tree shows the Hayes Family:

Kailynn, Caleb & Jordan.


The last is Jack's half sister Kate Reed and her family. 


There are overlaps between all the families... and notes below about timeline in years and a summary of the books.

Updated: January, 2022

This is what the entire family tree looks like starting with Jack's parents.

Receipt_2021-11-04_Doc 5_edited_edited.jpg
Below is each "family" with in the Rydell's based on a character. 
Books in Jack's line include: 
River's End -Jack
River's Lost-(Jack's son Ben)
River's Destiny-(Jack's son Charlie)
River to the Ocean-(Jack's granddaughter Lillian)
River Through the Valley-(Jack's daughter Melanie)
Books in Ian's line include: 
River's Escape -Ian
River from the City-Hunter
More to come: Landon (Ian's other son)
Books in Shane's line include: 
River's Return - Shane
Shane's 4 daughters:
River in Darkness- Iris
River in Light-Rose
River in the Mountains-Violet
River at the Ranch-Daisy
Books in Joey's line include: 
River on Fire - Joey
River's Rescue-(Joey's step-daughter Brianna)
River's Winter- (Joey's step-son Jacob)
(More to come!)
Books in AJ's line include: 
River Road - AJ & Kate
River's Destiny-(AJ's daughter Cami)
River at the Ranch- (AJ's son Asher)
More to come in Reed Ranch Series:
Books in Kailynn's line include: 
River's Escape - Kailynn
River of Change-Caleb
River from the City-Hunter
(More to come!)


River's End Series: 

BOOK #1 River's End- Year 1

BOOK #2 River's Escape-Year 1.5

BOOK #3:River's Return-Year 3

BOOK #4: River Road-Year 4

BOOK #5: River on Fire-Year 6

BOOK #6: River's Lost- Year 7

BOOK #7: River of Change –Year 8

BOOK #8: River's Destiny—Year 10

BOOK #9: River's Rescue-Year 15

BOOK #10: River's Winter-Year 20


Next Generation: Rydell River Ranch Series: 

BOOK #11 River in Darkness-Year 30

BOOK #12 River in Light -Year 30

BOOK #13 River in the Mountains-Year 33-35

BOOK #14 River at the Ranch-Year (s) 33-40

BOOK #15 River to the Ocean-Year 36

BOOK #16 River from the City- Year 40

BOOK #17- River Through the Valley-Year 42


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